Tuesday, 2 August 2011

We're all going on a summer holiday...

I bet you've got the song stuck in your head now, don't you?  I do, so thought I'd share  :D

Yes, it's almost holiday time for me - I can't wait to get away from all the roadworks around here, and hopefully it'll be better when I get back in a couple of weeks.  Not that you would know it's summer with the full on rain that we're getting just now (or wait, that is a typical Scottish summer!)

At least I've got up to date with the cpd for just now, and will probably be way out of date when I get back, so expect some more catch-up posts then!  However, for now, I'll leave you with this picture which is just about how I feel right now:

Have a great next couple of weeks, and see you soon!

cpd23 - thing 11


I've never been a mentor: I don't think I'm a) old enough, b) had enough experience and c) never been asked!  I've also never had an official mentor - I've picked up some wonderful information and tips from a number of people I have worked with over the years, but never asked anyone to take on the role offically.  I can definately see how it would be useful - it would be nice to have someone to work with on quite a personal / professional mix like that.  I know if I do go on towards my chartership, I will be able to choose a mentor to help me through that process, and I really like that idea: I think it will be exceptionally useful.

cpd23 - thing 10

Graduate traineeship, masters degrees, chartership, accrediation.

A very formal topic, if I do say so! 

As I mention in my profile description, I am a qualified Librarian and Information Officer, and am currently working as an information assistant.  I went the university route for my qualifications: I have a BA Honours degree in Humanities (english and history joint honours), and my library qualification comes from a Postgraduate Diploma in Information and Library studies from the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen - I went the full time route for this, rather than distance learning.  I did think about staying on to get my masters degree, but circumstances did not allow at the time: it is something that I would like to do in the future, though.  I would also like to gain chartership with CILIP - another career life goal!

I've wanted to work in libraries since I was about 12: I still remember looking through the big filing cabinet full of job descriptions in the careers room at school, and finding the one on Libraries.  Of course, at 12, I really only thougth of libraries as working in a public or school library - issuing books to people - the usual stereotype!  (though they cheated and I'm sure put the potential earning brackets at very senior management level: I definately don't earn £100,000 per year).  However, my mind didn't change over the years, and here I am.  I am still waiting to some day learn to love classification and cataloguing - I'm getting there  :D  I've worked in the public sector, schools, and college libraries, and at many different levels: I'm happy with where I seem to have settled now.

cpd23 - thing 9

Okay, thing 9 - Evernote

I had to sign up for an evernote account, as I've never heard of it before.  I had a play about with it, and I can see how it could be useful: I like the copy and paste functions.  I'll admit I wasn't too sure how to go about getting the best use out of the program, but a very friendly person sent me this link:  http://michaelhyatt.com/how-to-organize-evernote-for-maximum-efficiency.html  which I found really interesting.  I can't see me going to buy the books he recommends, but it gave me a better idea of how I could organise the information in my evernote account.

I can't see me using this tool much: I'm more a bookmarks kinda girl, and find this works well with me as I have my folders set up the way I want them.  I can see how it could be really useful for some others, though.