This is one I'll maybe have to investigate a bit more at home, as we're not able to download things onto our work computers. Having read the information on Jing and Screencast-o-matic, I think they sound really good! I can definitely see the potential uses of this technology, especially when sharing details with family as well as on a professional basis. I don't know if I'd go as far as making a voice recording (doesn't everyone hate the sound of their own voice being played back? I do!) but I like the idea of a narrated feature.
I've come across podcasting before, in the way that most people probably would have done: downloading repeats of radio shows to listen to in a block on the weekends, usually when driving somewhere. When I was pregnant, my husband also downloaded a set of weekly podcasts from a major babycare company which told me what to expect week-to-week, which was fun and informative :) The college that I work for also produces podcasts: staff can record them themselves, or go to the main Multimedia department and record them there, for use in teaching.
Part of me likes the idea of a regular Library podcast: it might be a good way to advertise library services: if we're running any classes, for example, or maybe a set of podcasts of our online services describing things like Credo reference, or Issues Online... the problem is finding one of the team who would be comfortable recording these. Hmm, something to think about maybe...
Nice post. Hating the sound of my own voice would be a big stumbling block for me too. I like the idea of making screencasts without sound!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laura :) I'm with you on this one, I think!