Referencing! Oh, how I remember the heady days of my university coursework, where you had to make sure that absolutely everything you cited in your work (even if it was only a couple of words) was correctly referenced - or you were convinced that you would be accused of plagiarism and would automatically fail your entire degree. Such fun! I bet one of these sites would have helped enormously...
14A - Zotero:
I'm going to give this one a miss, as firefox is not really my internet browser of choice.
14B - Mendeley
It would seem that I can't access this site from my work computer - it's being filtered as being 'illegal or questionable'. Meep! Better give this a miss - I may try and access it from home, and will repost if I do.
14C - Citeulike
This I managed to access J I'm not 100% sure of whether I like this or not: I can see some really good points, such as being able to search 'public' documents so you can see if anyone is looking for the same type of material as yourself. I can see how this could be very useful when writing essays etc., as it could point you in the direction of some very useful information related to your own topic, which you might not have come across otherwise. Again, it also has the professional / personal mix aspect going on as well, what with the blog being attached to your user account so you can cite references for the articles you've looked at. I could see that some students might get on really well with this service. However, I can't say I really liked the way everything was set out: it's nothing that I can really put a finger on, but it just doesn't 'sit' right with me, so I don't know if I'll ever go back and use it to any depth. I'm glad I've had a look at it though, and will certainly bear it in mind for future use or to recommend to others.
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