Friday, 25 May 2012

I'm still here...

... though you would be forgiven if you had thought I had dissappeared completely, it's been so long since I last posted.  (I actually hadn't realised just how long until I looked back at my blog...)

So, what have I been up to?  Nothing completely earthshattering with regards to work - just making my way along as usual, and trying to make up some more professional development time: something which is hard to do after 6 years in the job.  cpd23 definately helped with that this year, but since I completed it I'm having to look for some more options.  Any suggestions are more than welcome!

I've been keeping up with the reading, and am still really enjoying reading about what you are all getting up to in your libraries.  We are heading to the end of term now (just about 4 weeks to go!) and are alternatively packed with people trying to get assessments finished, and really quiet - as we are now: I think all the students are out enjoying the sunshine, and who would blame them?  Once the holidays start, we'll get going with all the routine jobs again - stocktake this summer (though don't tell anyone - I think they're planning that for the first couple of weeks of the holiday when I happen to be on leave - sorry girls!).  I've been really productive and made some mini-bunting for a little Jubilee themed book display which I'll be putting up next week.  Just business as usual really.  How about the rest of you - are you celebrating Jubilee weekend with anything special?