Oh, how I dislike job applications and interviews! I am usually quite a positive person, just not really about myself, and I always feel like I'm boasting if I say that I'm actually good at something (or at least, not bad...or even, I'm not completely rubbish at it...) For that reason, I hate filling out the forms. I'm okay with job details and work experience - the factual stuff - it's the 'what else would you like us to know' where you're really meant to sell yourself that gives me the heebiejeebies!
So, activities and interests. This is quite a short list really, especially compared to what others are, I'm sure. My main interest (and activity - I've a 2 year old daughter!) is my family. Books and reading, are, of course a huge interest. Printed books are always good, but I am a recent convert to kindle - I was never sure if I would like them, but when I was bought one I discovered that it is good :) I like computers, and working with them - is it sad that I consider making a powerpoint presentation template to be fun? Excel spreadsheets can also be a good way of spending an hour or two. In my spare time (hah!) I like sewing - cross stitch as a main choice - and crochet. I also make cards and have dabbled in scrapbooking. Some of these are also able to be tied into watching televison - I don't watch a lot, but it's often on in the background (especially tuned into cbeebies: gotta love Igglepiggle!).
Hmm, looking at this list it does tend towards the 'creative' - I do work with the microsoft packages in work, and like making displays etc. so some of my interests do tie in with my working life :)
CVs - I admit that I haven't updated my CV in about 6 years now (since I got my current job!) so this is something that I really need to do.
Interview tips - meep, not sure! I always like to be well presented, and have a read up about the company you're applying to so you know a bit about how they work. I also find it helps to have at least a couple of questions thought out beforehand which you can ask at the end of the interview, and to smile lots :)
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