The last 'thing' for cpd23! My 6 word story? How about 'Amazing journey, thanks for the challenge!'
Having had a read back through my blog posts, and looking at job descriptions in my field, I can see maybe a few areas I would like to improve on for the future. I've decided that I do need more of a professional online presence, so will continue to work towards this: most likely I will overhaul and update my CV, and will create a linkedin account. I would also like to connect more with other library and information professionals outwith my current working position, and I think that this blog would be a good starting point for that.
I will definitely keep on blogging: I have thoroughly enjoyed this part of the cpd23 experience. And I will certainly keep up on reading all the other lovely blogs I've become attached to.
So, that's my plan - hopefully I'll 'see' more of you all out in cyberspace!
Thank you for reading :)
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