My thoughts about Libraries, Life, and other things that don't start with the letter 'L'
Thursday, 28 July 2011
cpd23 - thing 8
Thing 8 - Google Calendar
Not all of the calendar functions worked, as I was using a standard internet explorer browser, so I may change to google chrome at some point to see all the gadgets :) I was able to change my settings etc. (is it a bit sad to admit I like the fact you can have a little weather forecast for each day?) and have a browse around.
I did like google calendar: it's a simple, clear format which works well. However, I'm not sure if I would use it much: in work, we tend to use outlook mail, where you can share calendars with people you work with. Maybe if I knew anyone else with a google calendar it might be different. So overall, a nice application, but maybe with limited use to me.
What does everyone else think of it?
cpd23 - thing 7

So, thing 7 - face-to-face networks and professional organisations.
The only professional organisation that I've been a part of is CILIP - the Chartered Institue of Library and Information Professionals. I was a member for years, but cancelled my membership when I went on maternity leave (as statutory maternity pay isn't much!) and there was no option for suspending membership for any length of time. I fully intended on re-joining when I returned to work, but that was a year ago now, and I still haven't got around to it.
Whereas I did find it rather expensive, it was useful to me at the time: I was a member of a number of different subgroups which I could change year on year depending on what my career was doing, and as my areas of interest changed. I certainly amassed a large number of journals! I never did formally join the local CILIP network, which would have allowed for face-to-face interaction (for a number of reasons, this didn't appeal). It was useful for keeping up to date with current trends and information. However, I am in two minds about rejoining: ultimately, I think I will, as I still have leanings towards applying for and completing my chartership, but I don't know when this is likely to happen. I can't say that it really had much of an impact on my career to the point I cancelled membership, but I can see that it would have an impact if I was to go for chartership. On a personal note, the people who I needed to contact at any time were lovely, and very helpful :)
I think I'll spend some time browsing through all the organisations listed by cpd23 on their home page: there are rather a lot of them! I have a feeling that maybe some of the more informal groups would appeal to me: I do like Hack Library School, and LISPN. I also like the idea of joining some of the international groups, to get some different perspectives on what we're all doing. This will definately be something to dedicate some time to. :)
cpd23 - thing 6

I don't tend to use this as a networking tool - at least, not on a professional basis. All my 'contacts' there are friends and family, and even then the account is locked down pretty heavily into different settings: immediate family, family, close friends etc. Therefore, if I wanted to use facebook as a more professional network, I would either need to set up a new privacy setting or a completely new facebook page.Whereas I could see the benefits to using facebook as networking, I like the fact that for me, it is a purely personal tool: as I've only ever used it this way, I don't think I would know exactly what I would like to do with it professionally!
I'm not a member of any of the other networks, and don't feel that I want to sign up to them all just now, so will base the rest of my post on what is accessible through the 'open' sections of each site.
I've had a look at this network via the profile pages listed on cpd23's page, and I will admit that I found it interesting. I can definately see how this could be an effective tool - it's much more 'professional' than facebook. It's pretty much an online CV, with extra space for you to expand on your knowledge and strengths: you don't have to tailor what you write with a specific job application form in mind, so you can add anything and everything that you want, so you can really sell yourself :)
While I'm not a member just now, this is one network that I think I'd like to look into further, and can see myself setting up a profile there at some point in the future.
Another good choice! I like the format of this network - very much the 'bulletin forum' style, which I've used in the past and enjoyed. I do like the fact that a good proportion of this site is available to non-members: I was able to have a good look around, and did enjoy what I looked at. There is a good range of topics, and a large number of members, which helps - the more members, the more up-to-date the forum is likely to be in my experience, as more people are posting.
I have a feeling that I might just be joining up to this network too - sooner rather than later :)
Librarians as Teachers network
Another 'forum' style network. First impression: the 'news' items are a bit out of date, which put me off a little. I did go and have a look around the more recent posts section though.
I'm not sure that I would get much out of this one, so I don't think I'll be joining any time soon.
CILIP communities
I'm not currently a member of CILIP, though I have been previously (I cancelled my subscription when I went on maternity leave, and never got around to re-joining) so I can't sign up to this network fully. This is a nice formatted site, with plenty of up-to-date posts which is appealing: I don't like networks that are ages out of date. There also seems to be a wide range of topics to look at.
I enjoyed browsing this site, but am not sure how often I would use it, compared to some of the other networks looked at here.
As well as these networks, I do also have a Google+ account: I only joined recently though, so am still playing about with the settings and functions there, so can't comment much just now. I'll report back on it at a later date :)
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
cpd23 - thing 5

Looking back on previous cpd23 posts on this blog, I've a lot to reflect on!
As I mentioned originally, I started this process (and this blog) as part of my continuing professional development in my workplace. There are a number of us taking part in this scheme, which is nice, as we can check with each other if we need any tips or pointers! To begin with, I really wasn't sure what I would get out of the process, but even only this far in (and with may more 'things' to do) I can say that my horizons have already been widened (on a professional level at least!)
I think my favourite parts of this process so far were the creative parts: I loved the whole idea of 'personal branding'. I did a lot of thinking about how I would like to be perceived by others in the internet world, and ultimately am very happy with how this has turned out: it was good being able to link my blog to my RSS feeds, and to my twitter account - it does make me feel like I have more of an online presence. I would like to publicise this presence more in the future, and will work to become more 'searchable' online.
I also really loved looking at other blogs of people who are also going through the cpd23 process. It's been very interesting to see their viewpoints on what we are all doing, and seeing what they are taking from the things to do - it gives you some other ideas of what you could be looking for.
Overall, I've enjoyed what has gone so far, and am looking forward to what is to come!
cpd23 - thing 4

Okay, so thing 4 - twitter, RSS, and pushnote. Lets look at each individually:
I did already have a twitter account, but it has never been used. As it's set up as a personal account, I thought I might as well set up another 'work' account, which could more easily be linked into my blog. To this end, I've used almost the same name there (cpd23InfoAssist) so I should be recognisable from one to the other if anyone really wants to find me. Thinking of personal branding, I've also used the same profile information, and user picture.
I still wouldn't say I'm completely at ease with twitter: I have made some 'tweets', and I am following 10 other accounts: some individuals which looked interesting, some professional organisations, and a couple of fun ones more linked to hobbies :) I've tweeted 5 times, and actually have 8 followers which is quite fun! I'm honestly not sure how much I would be likely to use it though, so I will try and keep up with it, but can't guarantee anything!
As suggested, I signed up to GoogleReader for the RSS feeds. It is handy having everything feeding into one area - I can see how it would help me to keep up with a lot of different information. I do think that I will have to be quite selective with what I subscribe to though, as I could see that it could become too much of a good thing, with too much information coming in to keep up with. As I don't want to find myself scanning rather than reading pages, I'll keep it trimmed down.
I haven't been able to look in depth at this, as it is blocked by my works internet filter, but I had a look about the FAQs while at home. I haven't signed up for an account, as I honestly can't see when I would use it, but maybe will have a closer look again at some point.
Overall, RSS has probably been the area that I have had most use from for this topic, though I can see that twitter could become useful if I was to link up with some more cpd23 users there.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
cpd23 - thing 3

So, personal branding. That could cover a lot! Starting with this blog: it took me quite some time (and messing about with the settings) to achieve the look I have now. I'm happy with it - at least for now, as I'm not ruling out some more tweaking and changing. I think it suits 'me' as a person: I like the colours, and I'm trying to make it look not too fussy or cluttered, but with a bit of design to make it recognisable.
Google searching: I've googled my name before, but not for a very long time, so this was an interesting one. There does seem to be quite a few people with my name, but I didn't appear on the first couple of pages of results that I looked at. This doesn't surprise me much, as any online presence that I currently have (like facebook) is very much locked down to friends only, so not really searchable. Nothing popped up on my maiden name either, but I wasn't expecting anything to.
I guess I have to decide how I want my presence to show online. Personally, I don't like to have a 'searchable' persona: I don't like the thought of people I don't know reading a lot about my personal life. However, professionally it really should be different. Things like this blog, for example: it definitely will be more 'work' based, rather than personal, so it might be interesting to see if I can make this blog more searchable. At the moment, you search for 'information assistant at work' and you get a lot of job adverts!
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