So, personal branding. That could cover a lot! Starting with this blog: it took me quite some time (and messing about with the settings) to achieve the look I have now. I'm happy with it - at least for now, as I'm not ruling out some more tweaking and changing. I think it suits 'me' as a person: I like the colours, and I'm trying to make it look not too fussy or cluttered, but with a bit of design to make it recognisable.
Google searching: I've googled my name before, but not for a very long time, so this was an interesting one. There does seem to be quite a few people with my name, but I didn't appear on the first couple of pages of results that I looked at. This doesn't surprise me much, as any online presence that I currently have (like facebook) is very much locked down to friends only, so not really searchable. Nothing popped up on my maiden name either, but I wasn't expecting anything to.
I guess I have to decide how I want my presence to show online. Personally, I don't like to have a 'searchable' persona: I don't like the thought of people I don't know reading a lot about my personal life. However, professionally it really should be different. Things like this blog, for example: it definitely will be more 'work' based, rather than personal, so it might be interesting to see if I can make this blog more searchable. At the moment, you search for 'information assistant at work' and you get a lot of job adverts!
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