Okay, so thing 4 - twitter, RSS, and pushnote. Lets look at each individually:
I did already have a twitter account, but it has never been used. As it's set up as a personal account, I thought I might as well set up another 'work' account, which could more easily be linked into my blog. To this end, I've used almost the same name there (cpd23InfoAssist) so I should be recognisable from one to the other if anyone really wants to find me. Thinking of personal branding, I've also used the same profile information, and user picture.
I still wouldn't say I'm completely at ease with twitter: I have made some 'tweets', and I am following 10 other accounts: some individuals which looked interesting, some professional organisations, and a couple of fun ones more linked to hobbies :) I've tweeted 5 times, and actually have 8 followers which is quite fun! I'm honestly not sure how much I would be likely to use it though, so I will try and keep up with it, but can't guarantee anything!
As suggested, I signed up to GoogleReader for the RSS feeds. It is handy having everything feeding into one area - I can see how it would help me to keep up with a lot of different information. I do think that I will have to be quite selective with what I subscribe to though, as I could see that it could become too much of a good thing, with too much information coming in to keep up with. As I don't want to find myself scanning rather than reading pages, I'll keep it trimmed down.
I haven't been able to look in depth at this, as it is blocked by my works internet filter, but I had a look about the FAQs while at home. I haven't signed up for an account, as I honestly can't see when I would use it, but maybe will have a closer look again at some point.
Overall, RSS has probably been the area that I have had most use from for this topic, though I can see that twitter could become useful if I was to link up with some more cpd23 users there.
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